Before you can connect Hightouch to Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC), you need to create a package in SFMC on behalf of Hightouch. If you plan on syncing records to data extensions using either mirror mode or upsert mode with file uploads, you also need to create an FTP user.
These are the minimum scopes. If you plan on syncing data extension objects using mirror mode or upsert mode with file uploads, grant these additional permissions:
Data > File Locations: Read, Write
Automation > Automations: Read, Write, Execute
If you would like to grant a custom subset of scopes for just the SFMC
features you want to use, see the section on custom scopes.
Once you save your permissions, you should see a new API Integration component in your package. Check it has the correct permissions listed under Scope by comparing it to lists above or screenshot below.
With the API Integration created, copy the Client Id, Client Secret, and subdomain to enter into Hightouch. The subdomain is the part of the Authentication base URI after https:// and before
You only need to create an FTP user if you plan on syncing data extension
objects via file uploads. Using File Upload mode can optimize sync
performance, especially on high volume syncs (> 1 million records). Learn more
about how file upload protocol works and its tradeoffs in the file uploads
section. You will need a SFMC FTP user even if you
are using a blob storage file location.
If your SFMC instance has parent-child Business Units and you want to sync to
a child Business Unit using FTP, you must create the FTP user in the child
Business Unit.
In your SFMC instance, go to Setup > Administration > Data Management > FTP Accounts and click Create User.
By default, the FTP Username is your Marketing Cloud Member ID (MID), including the current parent account or child business unit. You can keep the default value.
Enter an Email Address for the new FTP user. This can be the email account you use to login to SFMC or another one. You won't need this address to connect to Hightouch.
Enter a Password for the user. Password complexity requirements combine Marketing Cloud password policy and server-side FTP password requirements. These policies require a minimum of 12 characters and no reuse of the five most recent passwords. Reenter the password in Repeat Password.
The next screen prompts you to choose your authentication method.
If you want to use a password, keep this selection.
If you want to authenticate Hightouch to SFMC using an SSH key, select SSH Key. Follow SFMC's instructions for how to add a key. Enter the public key into the SFMC and keep the private key for when you connect to Hightouch.
On the next screen, select permissions for your FTP user. At a minimum, provide the user Upload access to the Import directory.
Allowlisting IP addresses is optional. For additional security, you can enter Hightouch's IP addresses. Click Next.
Select a Home Folder. We recommend setting the home folder to the root directory. If you choose to specify a restricted scope, ensure that this FTP user has access to the Import directory.
Make sure to copy your FTP Username and either password or SSH private key for entry into Hightouch. Click Save.
You can now connect SFMC to Hightouch. Go to the Destinations overview page and click the Add destination button.
Select Salesforce Marketing Cloud and click Continue.
You can then authenticate Hightouch to SFMC by entering the Client Id, Client Secret, and Subdomain you copied during package creation.
The subdomain is the part of the Authentication base URI after https:// and before
For ExactTarget Enhanced FTP, if you have chosen a different External Key for this location, enter the External Key to ensure Hightouch is able to access the uploaded files.
For Relative Location under FTP Site, enter the Relative Folder Path and the External Key to ensure Hightouch is able to access the uploaded files.
If your FTP user has a Home Folder other than the root directory, enter the file location relative to the FTP user's home folder in your Hightouch destination configuration.
To set up a Google Cloud Storage file location in SFMC:
Go to Setup > Data Management > File Locations and create a new file location.
Configure your file location's name and external key.
Choose Google Cloud Storage for Location Type.
Enter your GCS bucket name.
If you would like for files to be uploaded to a specific path in your bucket, enter the path as the Relative Location in your file location.
Upload your Google Service Account credentials. Ensure that at a minimum this role has read access to your bucket.
In Hightouch, select the Cloud Credentials you'd like to use to write to your bucket. Ensure this account has write access to your bucket.
Enter your file location External Key, GCP project ID, bucket name, and relative path.
Test your connection to ensure you've successfully connected to SFMC's API, FTP, and your GCS bucket.
To use the Amazon S3 file location in SFMC you will need:
Amazon S3 bucket
AWS Credentials with read access to your bucket. This will be used by SFMC to read from your bucket.
AWS Credentials with write access to your bucket. This will be used by Hightouch to upload files.
If you do not have AWS Credentials, you can follow the setup instructions in our AWS documentation.
To set up a AWS S3 file location in SFMC:
Go to Setup > Data Management > File Locations and create a new file location.
Configure your file location's name and external key.
Choose Amazon Simple Storage Service for Location Type.
Choose whether you'd like to authenticate with an Access Key or Access Key with IAM role and enter your AWS credentials. Ensure that at a minimum this account has read access to your bucket.
Enter your S3 bucket name.
If you would like for files to be uploaded to a specific path in your bucket, enter the path as the AWS Relative Location in your file location.
In Hightouch, select the Cloud Credentials you'd like to use to write to your bucket. Ensure this account has write access to your bucket.
Enter your file location External Key, AWS region, bucket name, and relative path.
Test your connection to ensure you've successfully connected to SFMC's API, FTP, and your S3 bucket.
By default, Hightouch requests permission for Journeys, Contacts, and Data
Extensions. If you want to use a subset of these features, you can grant a
custom subset of scopes in your SFMC package. After you do this, enter a
space-separated list of scopes in the Custom Scopes (advanced) field in the
Hightouch destination configuration.
For example, if you want to sync to Data Extensions via the SOAP API, you
can grant the following scopes in your SFMC package:
Data > Data Extensions: Read, Write
Provisioning > Accounts: Read
Then, enter the following scopes in the Hightouch destination configuration:
By default, Hightouch can access all Business Units in your SFMC instance that
have the installed package enabled. If you want to restrict access to a subset
of Business Units, you can enter a space-separated list of Business Unit IDs in
the Allowed Business Unit IDs (advanced) field in the Hightouch destination
You can find the Business Unit ID, or MID, by click on the account dropdown at
the top of the SFMC console.
Once you've set up your Salesforce Marketing Cloud destination and have a model to pull data from, you can set up your sync configuration to begin syncing data. Go to the Syncs overview page and click the Add sync button to begin. Then, select the relevant model and the Salesforce Marketing Cloud destination you want to sync to.
This integration supports upserting contacts into Marketing Cloud. In upsert mode, Hightouch inserts new users into SFMC and updates mapped user attributes on existing contacts.
You can sync any model columns to Marketing Cloud's contact attributes.
Ensure all the required fields in each attribute set is completed. For example, to add an email address, be sure to map both Email Addresses.Email Address and Email Addresses.HTML Enabled fields. Refer to the usage section of SFMC's Creating Contacts documentation for a list of attribute sets.
You can use field mapping to map any other columns in your query results to the data extension containing your journey's data.
The data extension requires the email_address field—be sure to map a model column to that attribute. You can do this in Hightouch by typing "email_address" as a Field from Salesforce Marketing Cloud in the mappings section and then selecting the appropriate model column.
Hightouch supports syncing objects to existing data extensions and creating new ones.
You can select either Upsert or Mirror mode.
In Upsert mode, you can choose whether to use the SOAP API or file uploads. Hightouch inserts new objects into the data extension and keeps all mapped object attributes up-to-date.
In Mirror mode, you can't select between SOAP API or file uploads. Hightouch always uses file uploads, SOAP, and an Overwrite import automation in SFMC to overwrite the entire data extension with your model's query results.
You can optionally choose which Business Unit and which Data Folder you would you like to sync data to. If you leave these configuration empty, Hightouch uses the defaults configured in SFMC.
You can optionally choose whether Hightouch should automatically create a data extension. If you enable automatic creation, Hightouch creates a data extension the first time the sync runs. It doesn't create new data extensions on subsequent runs.
When creating a new extension, you can optionally specify the data extension's name.
If you leave the name blank, Hightouch uses the model name.
The name also becomes the data extension's customer key.
You can include timestamp variables in the data extension name, surrounding each with {}.
Hightouch supports these timestamp variables:
YYYY: Represents the full year in four digits.
YY: The last two digits of the year.
MM: Two-digit month format (01-12).
DD: Two-digit day format (01-31).
HH: Two-digit hour format in 24-hour clock (00-23).
mm: Two-digit minute format (00-59).
ss: Two-digit second format (00-59).
ms: Three-digit millisecond format.
X: Unix timestamp in seconds.
x: Unix timestamp in milliseconds.
All dates and times are UTC.
You can also use other variable values to include sync metadata in the data extension name:
To change the name or customer key, you need to create a new sync. Hightouch doesn't modify the data extension's name or customer key after the first run.
You can also optionally enter a file path when creating a data extension, such as path/to/dataExtension. If you choose a file path that includes folders, Hightouch will only create new folders if they do not already exist, relative to the selected folder in the Data Folder option.
By default, Hightouch uses the SOAP API to sync data extension options in upsert mode. If you select to use File Upload mode, Hightouch uploads records via file transfer to SFMC, which may lead to better sync performance. While using File Upload mode is generally faster, it provides less visibility into individual records' sync successes and failures.
Generally, blob storage file locations (such as Google Cloud Storage and Amazon S3) are more performant file servers than SFMC's default option of ExactTarget Enhanced FTP server.
Additionally, if you are using a blob storage file location, ensure:
your SFMC file location has read access to your bucket
the credentials you've provided Hightouch has write access to your bucket.
When using File Upload mode, Hightouch creates and runs an import definition to load the data into the data extension. By default, Hightouch includes 100,000 rows in each file. You can configure this batch size in the Hightouch UI—the maximum value is 10 million rows per file. After each batch, Hightouch processes the SFMC results file to determine row errors.
SFMC provides more detailed error responses when using the SOAP API. If you
need to debug errors and the error messages from File Upload mode aren't helpful, we
recommend trying the SOAP API.
If you enable deletion in upsert mode, Hightouch removes deleted rows in the data extension using the SOAP API, since SFMC doesn't support deletions using FTP directly. If you want to completely overwrite the data extension with the results of your sync, use Mirror mode.
You can match objects from your source to your data extension on your data extension's primary key.
Select the model column that contains these values.
Editing the data extension field used for record matching is only possible before triggering the first sync run.
Otherwise, making this change results in an error.
If you want to use a different field once the sync has already run, you need to create a new sync.
You can map any model column to any field in your data extension.
Make sure that you map all non-nullable fields when syncing new objects to the data extension.
A non-nullable field is a field that is required to be populated with a value.
When creating or editing a record in SFMC, if a non-nullable field is left empty, the system won't allow the record to be saved and will return an error message.
You can check which fields are non-nullable fields in SFMC by inspecting your data extensions:
Open the Email Studio in your SFMC account.
Select the data extension you want to check.
Inspect the Fields section in the data extension to see a list of all fields.
Look for the Nullable column in the list. This column includes a checkbox for each field.
If a field doesn't have a check in the Nullable column, it means that the field is non-nullable and must have a value in it when a record is created or updated. Make sure you map all non-nullable fields.
In the example screenshot below, since email is the only field without a check in the Nullable column, it is the only non-nullable field.
In Upsert mode, you can sync records that don't include all non-nullable fields, but only if the object already exists in the data extension.
SFMC requires a minimum of one field mapping when sending data using SOAP-mode. This can be a placeholder field.
When creating a new data extension with Hightouch, you can create new fields and select their types while field mapping. First enter a field name, then select its type.
Text and Decimal field types allow for additional configuration.
Hightouch adds new fields to the data extension on each run but doesn't remove fields that leave the model's query results.
For auto-created data extensions, you can select whether the data extension is sendable and testable.
A sendable data extension is a type of data extension that can be used to send email messages or other types of communications to subscribers. Sendable data extensions are designed to contain subscriber data that can be used in email marketing campaigns, triggered sends, or other types of communications.
A testable data extension is used to send test emails or other test communications to a small group of recipients, usually internal stakeholders or quality assurance testers. Testable data extensions are designed to mimic the structure of a sendable data extension, but with a smaller set of test data.
To be designated as sendable, a data extension must meet certain requirements, including:
It must contain an email address or mobile number field that is marked as the primary sendable field.
It must contain at least one additional field that is used as a personalization field in the email message.
It must be mapped to a profile attribute group, which is used to store additional subscriber data that is not included in the sendable data extension.
To make the data extension you are syncing via Hightouch sendable, select the field to use as the primary sendable field and the field to map to a subscriber field. The options available for the sendable field are the fields you mapped.
The length of the field chosen in send relationships is limited to 254
Choose the Text - 254 characters field type when creating a sendable field
in Hightouch to enforce this limit.
You can only set a data extension to be testable once you select it to be sendable.
You can set a data retention policy on your data extension through Hightouch. Hightouch will not edit existing data policies unless explicitly enabled.
You can choose what data should be deleted in your policy:
All records and data extension
All records and the data extension will be deleted at the end of your data retention period
All records
All records will be deleted at the end of your data retention period, but the data extension will not be deleted
Individual records
Records will be deleted from your data extension individually as they reach the data extension period. The data extension will not be deleted.
You can choose the data retention period in days depending on how long you'd like to store your data extension and records.
If you choose to reset the retention policy upon each successful sync run, the data retention period will restart whenever data is successfully imported into your data extension.
Data retention policies cannot be removed through Hightouch. To remove an existing data retention policy, navigate to your data extension in SFMC Contact Builder and turn off the data retention policy.
When syncing to SFMC in File Upload mode, you can configure the concurrency used in the FTP upload to SFMC in Advanced options. Enter a value between 1 and 10.
Higher concurrency values will increase upload speeds, but can cause disruptions when simultaneously running multiple Hightouch syncs to SFMC. For this reason, the default concurrency is 1.
Concurrency options are not available for blob storage file locations.
By default, Hightouch will delete the CSV files used to populate a Data Extension and the results file from the Import Definition automation from your SFMC FTP server. You can choose to keep files on your SFMC FTP server in Advanced options. Files on the SFMC FTP server will automatically be deleted by SFMC after 21 days.
Files are not automatically deleted from your blob storage file locations. We recommend setting a retention policy on your bucket to avoid storing stale CSV files.
If you would like to receive an email notification when an Import Definition to your Data Extension succeeds, you can enter an email address in Advanced options.
In Mirror mode, one email will be sent for each sync run. In Upsert mode, one email will be sent for each batch completion. Depending on your batch size, this could be multiple emails per sync run.
When syncing data extension objects, an incomplete sync configuration can result in the Failed to create data extension error.
To resolve it, make sure to enter the field names and select the field types when creating new fields.
If you configure your sync to create a new data extension with the same name as a data extension that already exists, this error may occur. To resolve it, change the name of the data extension that you would like to create and select field types for each mapped column in the sync configuration.
400 - {"message":"The event data contains duplicate value for an existing primary key. Please correct the event data and try again.","errorcode":30000,"documentation":""}
In this error message, the "primary key" refers to the primary/subscriber key of the related data extension. To avoid this error, ensure the column you selected doesn't contain duplicate values. You can read more about syncing data extension objects in the dedicated sync configuration section.
If you choose to make the data extension sendable and set the subscriber relationship using the Subscriber ID, the field that you map to the Subscriber ID must be a number per SFMC's documentation, otherwise map this field to the Subscriber Key.
Hightouch provides complete visibility into the API calls made during each of your sync runs. We recommend reading our article on debugging tips and tricks to learn more.